Make it stand out.

No project too big or too small.

Easy & Convenient Delivery

Our machinery is ready for any project, no matter the size! Large rolls are harvested with the Magnum harvester and are 42” wide and can be cut 65’ - 143’ long. Lay-attachments for large rolls may be available. Small rolls are harvested at 2’ x 5’ sections and stacked on pallets from 100 to 500 square feet. Our forklift service makes delivery quick and easy, no matter how much sod you need.

Custom Contract Growing

Looking for someone to grow specific grasses for your next project? We can fill your specific variety needs, precise mowing height, top dressing, aerification, large to small quantities - you name it, we’ve done it!  Join the list of many high end golf courses, landscape companies, and professional sports teams who choose Collins Wharf for their personal growing needs.

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Tall Fescue

Tall Fescue is low maintenance, drought resistant,  cool-season, bunch-type grass suitable for a wide variety of uses.  Very popular for lawns, playgrounds, sports fields and other lower maintenance areas in the Mid-Atlantic States.  Bluegrass is blended with Tall Fescue for sod production.

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Kentucky HGT Blue Grass

Bluegrass is a cool-season grass and likes cool weather and will tolerate very cold temperatures. Extreme heat and drought are stressors but Bluegrass recovers quickly, making it a great fit for your yard. Rhizome growth creates strong sod. A healthy stand for this variety requires moderate maintenance.



Bent is extremely high maintenance, cold tolerant and moderately heat tolerant. It should be closely mowed (1/2 inch or less). Bentgrass is ideal for golf course greens and fairways.  Green and fairway mowing heights are available.   Harvested on native sandy soils and washing service available.

What’s Bent Washing?
We have designed a sod washer for bentgrass production. This machine will wash existing soils from the turf and leave the bare roots of the plant exposed.  Washing speeds the grow-in process and prevents soil layering.  Washing is ideal for sand based tees and greens. See bent washing in action!


Iron Cutter Bermuda

Fine leaf texture and is very aggressive.  Bermuda is a warm-season grass so it grows best in the summer months. It was developed for high traffic areas such as sports fields and golf courses.   Mowing heights can range from a 1/4 inch to 2 inches. It continues to top the NTEP (National Turfgrass Evaluation Program) charts in cold, heat, wear tolerances, and disease resistance recovery rate.

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Innovation Zoysia

Innovation is a versatile, hardy, yet attractive zoysiagrass. Innovation is very cold-tolerant and fast-growing with good shade tolerance, and easy maintenance. Aesthetically, Innovation is an appealing dark green color, with a medium-to-fine texture. It will please golf course professionals as well as discerning homeowners.


Ready to get your project started?

Contact us today to schedule a consultation or place your order.